Electrical Characterization Services

Materials and Substrates

We helped develop every existing RF substrate.

Material Characterization

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Substrate Characterization

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Materials and Samples

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Devices and Circuits

We test it before it goes into your phone.

RF Characterization

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All Types of Noise

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Cryogenic Measurements

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Material Characterization

Oxide-substrate charges

Flatband capacitance and voltage
Oxide thickness
Effective & total bulk oxide charge
Substrate doping concentration


Loss tangent

Four point probe

Sheet resistance
Bulk resistivity

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Substrate Characterization

We have unique know-how in characterization of Si and SOI substrates including high resistivity and trap rich materials.

We develop the adequate design of test structures in order to create the most accurate picture of the behavior of the substrate in different operation conditions.

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 Materials and Samples


Silicon: Bulk, SOI, Trap-Rich, Porous, SiC, SiGe ...

III-V: GaN, GaAs ...

Dielectric: Quartz, Fused Silica ...

Piezo: LiTaO3, LiNbO3, ZnO ...

2D: Graphene, hBN ...

Phase-changing: VO2, GeTe ...


Size: from a single die to 300 mm wafer

Shape: Piece of wafer or whole wafer

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RF Characterization

Large signal

  • Harmonics (single tone), intermodulation (dual tone) and power handling
  • Input power up to 49 dBm
  • Noise floor -170 dBm

Small signal

  • S-parameters up to 170 GHz
  • Low frequency from 5 Hz
  • RF figures of merit

5G mm-wave

  • Small- and large-signal
  • Adapted calibration techniques
  • Application specific

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Noise Measurements

RF thermal noise

  • 1 – 110 GHz
  • Down to 0.2 dB of NFmin
  • Programmable microwave tuners
  • Measurement of NFmin, Rn, Yopt and NF50

1/f flicker noise

  • Frequency range from of 0.03 Hz to 40 MHz
  • Noise measurement down to 0.67 nV/sqr(Hz) @ 10 kHz
  • 25 impedance values ranging from 0 ohms to 100 MΩ
  • Current/voltage/power range of up to 0.1 A/200 V/10 W, respectively
  • Supported devices include BJTs, FETs, diodes, resistors and circuits (op-amps, comparators, etc.)

Random telegraph signal noise (RTS, RTN)

  • Time domain representation of noise
  • Current and voltage histograms
  • Supported devices include BJTs, FETs, diodes, resistors and circuits (op-amps, comparators, etc.)
  • 2.5 ns minimum time step
  • Sampling size up to 16 million

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Cryogenic Measurements


  • Cryogenic from -270°C (4 K)
  • Hot chuck up to 225°C

RF Signal

  • S-parameters up to 67 GHz
  • Low frequency from 5 Hz
  • RF figures of merit

DC and AC

  • Pulsed IV down to 100 ns pulse width
  • Ultra low voltage and current
  • CV measurements

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WELCOME WELCOME is a state-of-the-art facility offering a complete characterization service solutions. Incize is a privilege partner and collaborator of this facilities. Experts from Incize excelle on a daily basis in offering top-notch testing services using the latest and most advanced equipments available in this facility, while introducing innovative solutions beyond the limits of commercial equipments.

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